
Saturday, December 5, 2015

Free Advent Calendars and Christmas Printables

December is already in full swing! What?!?

When my kids were younger there weren't a lot of quality printables and worksheets available. So lots of times I would create my own. Here are 3 that I made for them.

We've never celebrated Santa but it was a big deal with lots of their friends and it's fun to make crafts with cotton balls so one of them includes Santa just for "jollies". :) Enjoy and feel free to pin or share them.

#1 - Activities for Advent Calendar: Each day leading up to Christmas do an activity together as a family.

#2 - Countdown to Baby Jesus: Cut out and paste a star every day to countdown to Baby Jesus! 

#3 - Countdown to Christmas: Build Santa's fluffy beard with cotton balls glued on each day. 

#4 - Happy Birthday, Jesus! Coloring page - A cute little coloring page for Christmas. Makes a great stocking stuffer with crayons. 

#5 - Nativity Coloring page - Complete with the star on top and says "A Savior is Born"!