Monday, November 5, 2012

Book Review: Full Disclosure

I've taken a bit to review this book because I have mixed emotions. On the one hand, I really enjoy Dee Henderson's books and on the other I didn't really enjoy this one as much. I got an ARC (advanced reading copy) so I was super excited. And there was this really cool book trailer.

The idea of the story was interesting to me. I'm a huge fan of Castle and that's what the cover and trailer reminded me of. The story just wasn't very engaging to me. It took me about a third of the book to like the characters and even then I wasn't very drawn in. It felt like there was too much detail at times. It was a very heavy read and the crimes were dark. Maybe it's because I've read lighter things recently or maybe it's because I'm just not in to this genre so much. Who knows?

On the up side, I really enjoyed the interaction with the main characters. Paul and Ann seem like they would be great together. I loved the video calls. So the writing was great, I mean it's Dee Henderson. The plot wasn't bad. I just had a hard time with it. I do wonder how much was drawn from personal experience. I missed the facebook chat with Dee, unfortunately. If you like crime dramas, you'll probably eat it up. I think my taste has changed over the years and I just can't stomach the crime any more (unless it's on Castle, apparently).

I got this book for my review from Bethany House. They rock!

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